Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lots of chocolate, little of iai

The already mentioned chocolate festival has left me with an unhealthy amount of good chocolate in my possession. I won't complain though.

I decided right after writing the last post here that I would try to get some training in after my mother left town on Sunday, which happens to be today. The original plan was aiming for an hour, but as I was not feeling very well and have lots to do before my Japanese exam on Tuesday, it ended up getting shortened to 15 minutes where I just managed to warm up with a skipping rope, go through reigi and do each seiteigata twice.

Ukenagashi is no good at all. The overall timing is crap. This will be one of my projects for a while.

The thrusts in tsukaate and shihĂ´giri are...well...weird. I think I've gotten too careful. Need to shape up.

In morotetsuki the beginning feels a little shaky. Mostly the actual morotetsuki.

I noticed that my yoko-chiburi looks like the angle might be a little off (could be due too mirror angle though). It is also shaky. And my right hand gets too much relative power in tenouchi sometimes, resulting in the kissaki going off center.

That would be the main issues right now. ;)

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