Monday, January 02, 2006

Kendo no kata

I came up with the idea of a kendokata (isn't it kendogata by the way?) session for both kendoka and iaidoka sometime around the beginning of December I think, and we've talked about it a lot since then, although mostly the discussion has been based on thoughts such as: "yeah, that'd be cool, let's do that". Anyway, today we finally had the session. A lot of people are still gone and most of the others are probably still a little disoriented with the idea of a new year and everything, but we did actually manage to get a decent gathering of people. There were eight of us, with seven being iaidoka, but only one is not kendoka. What I can say about kendogata (right?) is this:
1. it's SO cool
2. I need to practice SO much

In other news my bôgu arrived today! I haven't taken any pictures of it yet, but I really should and then I really should post them here. Let's hope I remember to. ;) The kote are perfectly snug and nice (I have small hands and know why to hate too large a kote), but the men might be a little too big. Hard to say without softening it a little with a few whacks to the head first... :D


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