Wednesday, January 11, 2006


As a tradition in the budo club, every semester starts with a "masspass", which is a training session where everyone trains everything together. Sound weird? Well, I can tell you it's a lot of fun. :) This monday was my first masspass ever, and from what I understand it was also the first ever to actually have all styles represented.

The jujutsu people had us wrestling for a bit, doing some warm-up exercises and getting rid of stranglers, the karate people had us kicking and blocking kicks, the taichi guy showed us a technique where you block a punch and get the attacker down by your feet. Aikido had us doing some falling, and their version of kakarigeiko.

For kendo we got to do 100 hayasuburi (but I still wasn't feeling very well, so I stopped after 70) and for iaido I had them doing tsukaate. The details were on the level of "sit like this, hit, turn around, thrust, turn around, cut" but it actually worked quite well, which amazed me. Especially as we didn't have enough bokuto, so quite a lot of people were using jo, hehe.

As I said, a lot of fun!


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